
BAJSA Exoneration Policy
Resolution 2015 – 6__
(Amended Resolution 2008-1)

  1. Permanent Residential Homes with a Public Water Meter

    Partial exoneration shall be equal to the current treatment cost only.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms

    Owner must provide actual water meter bill indicating less than 3-gallon water usage per month.

    Water meter bills must be submitted each quarter for the 3-month exoneration.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect and certify that water pipes are drained and that drains have been winterized, unless water is used for heat. Access shall be granted from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year.

    Exoneration shall be issued as credits only and have no cash value.

    Monthly bills shall not be prorated.

    Exonerations are not transferable.

    Note: In Winter months from October 1st through March 31st, minimal water use would be allowed to heat to keep pipes from freezing and damaging the structure.
  2. Permanent Residential Homes with a Public Water Meter

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual water utility notice indicating service termination and water meter pulled, provided by customer.

    Owner must physically disconnect and cap sewer connection in basement of home.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect and certify that sewer connection has been terminated.

    Owner must permit, BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect the sewer connection anytime during normal business hours from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year.

    Failure to allow access will incur charge back to the owner from the time of refusal until the previous allowed inspection.

    Monthly bill shall not be prorated.

    Exonerations are not transferable.

    Exonerations shall be issued as credits only and have no cash value.
  3. Demolished Structure

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide copy of demolition permit.

    Owner must contact BAJSA once demolition has started.

    Exonerations are not transferable.

    Exonerations shall be issued as credit only and have no cash value.
  4. Uninhabited Structure – Damaged by Fire, Flood or Other Disaster

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must contact BAJSA for inspection by BAJSA employee.

    Owner must furnish water utility notice indicating service termination.

    Exonerations are not transferable.

    Exonerations shall be issued as credit only and have no cash value.
  5. Condemned Property

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must contact BAJSA for inspection by BAJSA employee.

    Owner must provide BAJSA with copy of condemnation order.

    Exonerations are not transferable.

    Exonerations shall be issued as credit only and have no cash value.
  6. Permanent Residential Homes without a Water Meter, on a Private Water System

    Partial exoneration shall be equal to the current treatment cost only.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual electrical bill indicating zero usage, provided by owner.

    Owner must provide actual fuel bill indicating zero usage. Provided by owner.

    Electrical and fuel bills must be submitted each quarter for 3 month exoneration.

    Note: In Winter months from October 1st through March 31st, minimal electric or fuel consumption would be allowed to keep pipes from freezing and damaging the structure.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect and certify that water pipes are drained and that drains have been winterized, unless water is used for heat. Access shall be granted from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year.

    Exonerations are not be transferable.

    Exonerations shall be issued as credits only and have no cash value.

    Monthly bills shall not be prorated.
  7. Permanent Residential Homes without a Water Meter, on a Private Water System

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must physically disconnect and cap sewer connection in basement of home.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect and certify that sewer connection has been terminated.

    Owner must permit, BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect the sewer connection anytime during normal business hours from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year.

    Failure to allow access will incur charge back to the owner from the time of refusal until the previous allowed inspection.

    Exonerations shall be issued as credits only and have no cash value.

    Exonerations are not transferable.

    Monthly bills shall not be prorated.
  8. Commercial Establishments with Public Water Meter

    Partial exoneration shall be equal to the current treatment cost only.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual water bill indicating less than 3-gallon water usage per month.

    Water meter bills must be submitted each month for monthly exoneration.

    Exoneration shall be issued as credit only and have no cash value.

    Exonerations are non-transferable.

    Monthly bill shall not be prorated.
  9. Commercial Establishments with Public Water Meter

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual water utility notice indicating service termination and water meter pulled.

    Owner must physically disconnect and cap sewer connection in basement or at connection to the authority line.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the business to inspect the sewer connection anytime during normal business hours from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year.

    Failure to allow access will incur charge back to the owner from the time of refusal until the previous allowed inspection.

    9a.) Seasonal Business
    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality.
    Owner must provide actual water utility notice indicating service termination and water meter pulled.
    Owner shall be excused from the requirement to disconnect and cap sewer connection for months not in service.
    Businesses on well: Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the business to inspect the
    seasonal business anytime.
  10. Mobile Homes with a Public Water Meter

    Partial exoneration shall be equal to the current treatment cost only.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual water meter bill indicating less than 3-gallon water usage per month.

    Water meter bills must be submitted each month for monthly exoneration.

    Exoneration shall be issued as credits only and have no cash value.

    Monthly bills shall not be prorated.

    Exonerations are not transferable.
  11. Mobile Homes without a Water Meter on a Private Well

    Partial exoneration shall be equal to the current treatment cost only.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual electric bill indicating zero usage.

    Owner must provide actual fuel bill indicating zero usage.

    Water and electrical bills must be submitted each month for monthly exoneration.

    Note: In winter months, October 1st through March 31st, minimal electricity or fuel consumption would be allowed to keep pipes from freezing and damage to structure or should we demand a water meter be installed?
  12. Mobile Homes with or without a Water Meter

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must physically disconnect and cap sewer connection beneath the mobile home.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee to inspect and certify that sewer connection has been terminated.

    Owner must permit, BAJSA employee full access to the residence to inspect the sewer connection anytime during normal business hours from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year.

    Failure to allow access will incur charge back to the owner from the time of refusal until the previous allowed inspection.
  13. Permanent Residential Homes Attached to Commercial Building with Common Public Water Meter

    Partial exoneration shall be equal to the current treatment cost only.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Owner must provide actual water meter bill indicating less than 3-gallon water usage monthly.

    Water bills must be submitted each month for monthly exoneration.

    Exoneration shall be issued as credits only and have no cash value.

    Monthly bills shall not be prorated.

    Exonerations are not transferable.
  14. Permanent Residential Homes Attached to Commercial Buildings with Common Public Water Meter

    Full exoneration shall include current treatment and current collection cost for the respective municipality of residence.

    The owner must agree in writing to the following conditions and terms.

    Residential homes must have fixtures permanently removed from the facility and the connection point for the sanitary sewer system terminated. These terminations must be inspected by BAJSA employee.

    Owner must permit BAJSA employee full access to the facility between the hours from 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM for a maximum of seven times per year. Failure to allow access will incur charge backs to the owner from the time of refusal until the previous allowed inspection.

Request for inspection by BAJSA Employee shall first be done by telephone and the call will be recorded. If phone call is not completed a certified letter shall be sent to the owner requesting access. A self-addressed stamped reply post card shall be furnished with the letter. Post card must be returned within ten business days. Failure to return card within ten business days shall result in charge backs to the owner from the time of the last inspection until date of notice request inspection.

Exonerations will only be considered/completed by BAJSA if balances are being paid and kept current.

No prior year adjustments will be considered.

Approved by the Board of Directors of the Berwick Area Joint Sewer Authority the 14th day of October 2015.

Berwick Area Joint Sewer Authority


By :___________________________________________________________

By :___________________________________________________________

By :___________________________________________________________

By :___________________________________________________________


I, ____________________________, Secretary, Berwick Area Joint Sewer Authority, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Authority’s Resolution No., adopted ______________, 2015.